Testing a cheap MicroSD card quality

💾 Intro I just found a very cheap SD card on an online store and since I know that there are some fake around, I wanted to quickly test if its size and speed respect the specs. Edit: after first publish, a kind reader noticed me that The F3 tools are a perfect fit for the same task and that’s right; if you want to follow a manual path and learn something in the journey, continue reading… ...

September 3, 2024 · Andrea Manzini

Measure your program's power consumption

🌡️ Intro For those running a datacenter, or just a simple homelab server, the arrival of summer heat means an increase in air conditioning use. On this post I asked myself how a Linux engineer can measure how much energy is the system consuming so we can start to reason about workload optimization for better power consumption patterns. 🔋 Idle power drain As a starting point, let’s measure how much power my PC is consuming when idle, doing absolutely nothing; or better: nothing useful for computation or service but just running usual, default operating system tasks. ...

June 30, 2024 · Andrea Manzini

number of physical sockets and cpu cores

a small script to check out the number of processors in your linux machine mandatory sample output:

September 14, 2013 · Andrea Manzini