Debriefing Advent of Code 2024

🎄 Intro After a very interesting and fun SUSE hackweek, as every December since some years, I took part to Advent of Code. First of all, I wish to thank Eric Wastl because he’s giving us every year a great and unforgettable advent-ure. [image source: Reddit u/edo360 ] ✨ What’s Advent of Code ? More than just a countdown to Christmas, AoC is a joyful game that invites developers of all age and levels to sharpen their problem-solving abilities and coding skills. Like a virtual advent calendar, AoC presents a new programming puzzle each day from December 1st to 25th. These puzzles are often deceptively simple at first glance, but they quickly unfold into intricate challenges requiring clever algorithms and efficient code. ...

December 26, 2024 · Andrea Manzini

Benchmarking a Rust function

Once in a while I like to play with Advent Of Code problems 🎄. Today I decided to tackle an easy one and, since the answer was almost trivial to find, I wanted to go deeper and understand how to measure and improve the performance of the solution. ...

April 2, 2023 · Andrea Manzini