being lazy, I made a small utility to check last pkgs update date on Open Build Service.

You can find the project repository on my github, but it’s so simple I can paste also here.

The usage is pretty simple: just run the command giving it a package name, and then it will tell you when it was last updated. With this information, you can decide/check if the package needs some work on!

import subprocess
import argparse

MAINPROJECT = "openSUSE:Factory"

OSC_CMD = ['osc', '--apiurl', APIURL]

def exec_process(cmdline):
    return subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf8')

def get_last_changes(package):
        proc = exec_process(
            OSC_CMD+["ls", "-l", f"{MAINPROJECT}/{package}"])
        for line in proc.stdout.readlines():
            if f"{package}.changes" not in line:
            return line.split()[3:6]
        return None

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        prog='last update',
        description='tells you when a package was last updated',
        'package', help='the package name to check (ex bash, vim ...)')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    changes = get_last_changes(args.package)
    if changes:
        print(args.package, "was last updated on", MAINPROJECT,
              ' '.join(get_last_changes(args.package)))
        print("Error in getting information. Does this package exist?")


Have fun!