A new project to learn the D Programming Language

I’ve started a new side project named D Lang Koans, it’s a simple series of exercises organized in a unit test suite. The “koans” are heavily inspired by similar projects for other languages, but I didn’t found anything similar for D. I’ll try to maintain and evolve it in the spare time, I hope you’ll find it useful.

December 7, 2014 · Andrea Manzini

semplice rate limit in Sinatra

Giocando con Sinatra ho avuto l’esigenza di servire una determinata pagina solo con un certa frequenza (tecnicamente un rate-limit); la cosa si puo’ fare installando il middleware Rack:Throttle ma non volevo aggiungere un’altra gemma alle dipendenze… In questo esempio se al server arriva piu’ di una richiesta in un intervallo di cinque secondi, rispondiamo a tono… SECONDS_BETWEEN_REQUEST=5 enable :sessions def ratelimit? now=Time.new.to_i session['lastrequest']||=0 #inizializza se non presente result=(now-session['lastrequest'])<SECONDS_BETWEEN_REQUEST #passati dall'ultima richiesta ? session['lastrequest']=now # aggiorna return result end get '/' do if ratelimit? return "<h1>sorry, rate limit exceeded!</h1>" end "<h1>hello!</h1>" end

December 21, 2012 · Andrea Manzini

background tasks in Ruby e linux

A volte negli script Ruby ho bisogno di controllare l’esecuzione di un comando eseguito in modalita’ asincrona, ho creato pertanto una classe apposita: class BackgroundJob def initialize(cmd) @pid = fork do # this code is run in the child process # you can do anything here, like changing current directory or reopening STDOUT exec cmd end end def stop! # kill it (other signals than TERM may be used, depending on the program you want # to kill. The signal KILL will always work but the process won't be allowed # to cleanup anything) Process.kill "TERM", @pid # you have to wait for its termination, otherwise it will become a zombie process # (or you can use Process.detach) Process.wait @pid end end come si usa ? Molto semplice: ...

November 5, 2012 · Andrea Manzini